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Improvers Guitar Course with Thomas Binns, includes a free guitar and amplifier

Improvers Guitar Course with Thomas Binns, includes a free guitar and amplifier

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This course comes with a Fender Stratocaster Guitar and a Marshal Amplifier worth £100.

Delivered by Thomas Binns, founder of The Guitar Social and world record holder for the world's longest guitar class ever. 

Who is this for?

This course is for Improvers guitar players who are comfortable with barre chords, reading tabs, playing riffs, solos, and scales. If you’ve been playing for over a year and want to grow, this is your chance. Not sure if it's right for you? Get in touch—we welcome passionate learners of all levels.

What You’ll Learn

Master Chord Inversions & CAGED Barre Chords
Play Major, Minor, 7th & Minor 7th Arpeggios (G & E types)
Explore the Dorian & Mixolydian Modes for a richer sound
Join Weekly Jamming Sessions to practice improvisation
Learn Four Iconic Riffs & Two Solos to apply in class
Discover Funk & Blues Styles in two focused sessions

Song Selection

We cover pop, rock, folk, and indie. For this special Dubai edition, we are carefully selecting the best songs—if you have any favorites, let us know!

Electric or Acoustic?

What’s Included?

 Six Sessions (90 minutes each) with Thomas Binns
Course resources full of tips, exercises, and resources
Live Performance Opportunity—play with your group, backed by a live band
Exclusive WhatsApp Community—connect with fellow musicians
VIP Access to The Guitar Social Events—including a private event for your group

This isn’t just a class—it’s a rare opportunity to learn from a world-class guitarist in Dubai’s first-ever masterclass with Thomas Binns.

Limited spots available. Reserve yours today

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